I swear the last post I blogged was last week when truly it was like a month ago. Time is flying by and where to WHO KNOWS!? I am sorry for my lack of time but I just have been so busy. Work is insane {thank you sweet Jesus}. We just hired on someone to help me! I already love her! She is a soon to be mommy and the cutest prego I have ever seen. I am trying to get her to start blogging. Thats her below! Isnt she the cutest?? I started training her about 3 weeks ago and she has just been amazing. She loves the Lord and we go to the same church... coincidence, I think NOT!
Moving on: so in the midst of crazy work, busy mom and trying to keep a social life my family and I planned a little family 5 day vacation. We went to San Antonio! It was my mom, my little brother and sister. My brother his 3 daughters and wife. My other brother and his daughter. Last but not least Aubrey and I. I planned something EVERY day! We went to The Magic Time Machine, The River Walk, Sea World, The Aquatica and Wildfire Ranch Safari. Here are a few pics!
The Magic Time Machine is a restaurant where all the waiters and waitresses dress up as characters and literally dont brake the character. The kids enjoyed it!
Sea World, as you can tell Aubrey wasnt a big fan of Shamu. It was nap time so she was a bit cranky but sugar took care of that problem. She loved all the shows and she saw Elmo LIVE!
The Aquatica it's brand spakin new! Sea World opened it last year I believe.
The Safari, we got to feed animals through the window of our vehicle. Aubrey was too scared to do it but she enjoyed driving.
Finally, The Riverwalk. Grandma stayed back with the kids and we all went out for a few drinks.
It was a great trip! I cant wait until next years family trip!
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