Thank you Jesus, it is Wednesday! Whoot whoot!
So is it just me or has this month of September just flown by?
P.S I've missed doing this "What I'm Loving Wednesday" link up peeps!
Here is what I am loving:
I'm loving, my sweet princess Aubrey. I love being her mommy and everything that comes with it. Although lately she has just been a toot! and she has been sick (which I don't like).
I'm loving, this picture flower pot that I made. It is super easy and Aubrey enjoys watering it.
Want to make one: Picture Flower Pot
I'm loving, my praise and worship Pandora station BUT I just found this station and I love listening to it on my way to work because they have great pastors speaking. I mean I cant think of a better way to start my day.
I'm loving, that Fall is here! Oh yes I am doing my happy dance. I have started decorating the house. Here is a picture I bring out every year that not only am I loving but brings great memories.
I'm loving, my Joyce Meyer magazines I get every month. I love her! You can subscribe for free to get them too..
Joyce Meyer Magazine
I'm loving, but not all at once that my birthday is almost here.
BLAH! It's in 2 days the 28th of September. Happy Birthday to me!
Aaannnd Pop pop's birthday is today. Happy Birthday Pop pop! We love and miss you. I am sorry I didn't get to say goodbye. I truly admired you and the love you had for Nana. Even though I never met her I could tell how much you loved her by the way you talked about her and how your face would light up when her name was mentioned. Please watch over Aubrey.
I'm loving, my light PINK nails. Pink on my nails just makes me HAPPY!
I'm loving, my Pinterest finds.
Happy Wednesday Day Yall!
"Let God's love fill you up and carry you through today!"