Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Well if you all have wondered where I've been lately just take a look below....CLEANING & DECLUTTERING! I have been taking this very seriously. I am determined to scratch things off of my resolution list. Aubrey and I have way to much clothes. It makes me stress but my gfriends say its heaven haha! I guess..... I am going to have a garage sale and whats left I am going to donate it!

My closet...I have to admit this is only closet number ONE!
Yes I have a second closet...I know its pretty bad!

Aubrey's closet...picking up on her Momma's habits!

I found this idea on my Pinterest and I LOVE IT!
I do have a jewelry box but it was bueno!
I added my own little touch....since this is in my closet and I will see it everyday I added pics of my sweet baby girl and a quote I just happen to love!

Here are a few pics of life lately.....
we went until you drop!

In the mist of cleaning up I  found Aubrey's new born socks. These socks were the only ones that fit her when she was fist born...oh how I miss those days!

Brey and I have been having too much fun!!! The weather has been pretty nice here in Houston we have been spending a lot of time outside.... Here she is!!!!! Yeeehaw!

And last but not least I have finished my vision board. It's proudly hanging in my room. I catch myself just standing in front of it staring at it and daydreaming...pretty neat, huh!

Well folks life has been busy and crazy lately but you know me, if life hands me lemons I try to make lemonade! Although so much is going on it is amazing how blessed I still feel and having Aubrey's angel face surely helps!!! Hope you all have a fabulous off to Pinterest to pin a few things.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent job cleaning. This weekend is the Chinese New Year, when we traditionally clean. So I'll be on a cleaning spree as well.

    Good idea with the jewelry hanger, by the way. Very nice.


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