Thursday, January 19, 2012

Vision Board Story

Okay just a quick story on vision boards and confirmation it WORKS! So I met this Mary Kay lady at Starbucks and she asked me to come to her house for a little consultation so I did! As I was walking out of her home office I notice a HOT pink poster with pictures on it and the question just blurred out of my mouth "is that your vision board?" She looked at me smiled and said "well YES!!!!".  I smiled back at her and said "I just finished mine and I am so excited".

She explained how 2 things came true....taking her children to Disneyland all payed by Mary Kay and her dream house. After her house was build she realized the same door that was on her house was the same door on her dream house on her vision board. The sweet law of attraction people, IT WORKS!

If this is not confirmation I don't know what is!!!!
This is my vision board.... love love love!

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