is your nickname?: Yesi, Nena, Mommy, Maaaa!
is your sign?: Libra. I demand balance!
is your favorite saying?: I have several of them but I just found this one on Facebook and I LOVE it
"People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are KIND, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are HONEST, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway. If you find HAPPINESS, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The GOOD you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Give the world the BEST you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.
For you see, in the end, it is between YOU and GOD. It was never between you and them anyway !!!"
was your state of birth?: Texas
is your eye color?: Brown
is your hair color?: Black
do you have pierced?: I have my ears pierced and my belly button.
do you have tattooed?: Yup, ughhh unfortunately!
type of clothes do you prefer?: Summer dresses and wedges <3
is your favorite pastime?: Geez, I have so many! Relaxing by the water with a drink in my hand, shopping, spending time with my fam, friends and Bay, reading.....
If you were... (who/what would it be?)
a bumper sticker: "If everything is coming your way, then you're in the wrong lane"
an animal: Definitely a bird.. like the Notebook. "Say I'm a bird!"
a theme song: Amazing Grace!
a cookie: Chocolate chip
a Christmas carol: Blue Christmas by Elvis Presley
an alcoholic drink: WINE!
a magazine: Parent Magazine
a holiday: Seriously! I love them ALL but I would have to say Christmas and Valentines Day.
a city: Houston
a soda: Diet Root Beer
a super hero: My Daddy!
a flower: Lilies
a crayon: All of them!
a candy conversation heart: "cloud 9"
a jelly bean: Any reds will do. I dont go by flavor I go by color
a salad dressing: Ranch
a bowl of cereal: Cinnamon Chex
Have you ever...
played seven minutes in the closet?: No!
gone skinny dipping?: No but its on my bucket list! Oh come on you only live once!
smoked cigarettes?: Yuck! When I was younger. Dont judge me!
broken the law? (and got caught): Speeding count?
played spin the bottle?: Yes, but its all a blurr
tp'd someone's house?: No, not that I can recall
ran away from home?: NO, are you kidding me! Growing up I never wanted to disappoint my dad although Im sure I have somehow someway.
skipped school?: Yes, but never got caught.
been kicked out of a public place?: No
made a prank phone call?: Yes when I was younger and really bored
had stitches?: No, thank you Jesus!
had an operation?: Yep, had a tumor in my right breast (TMI?!)
broken a bone?: No, once again thank you sweet baby Jesus!
cheated on a test?: Yes, not proud!
had a stalker?: Psshhh, YES! Not fun!
played a drinking game?: Yeah! I am from a small town, duh!
made someone cry?: Yes, I always feel bad after. I hate hurting anybody's feelings.
cried during a movie?: Yep, a lot.
Do you...
multi-task?: oh yeah! All the time!
speak a foreign language?: Yes. I can speak, write and read Spanish
whistle while you work?: No lol
talk in your sleep?: When I am EXTREMELY tired
swear a little/swear a lot?: A little
drive the speed limit?: NEVER!
snort when you laugh?: No, but when I do it must be REALLY funny!
sing in the shower?: No, I usually pray
cry at weddings?: YES! I love weddings!
eat sushi?: YES and you cant have sushi without sake
dream in color?: no, I dream in words
ride roller coasters?: NO! I hate them! I am terrified of them!
What will...?
your famous last words be?: "Oh Lord!"
you regret not doing?: Sadly, lots of things.
you be remembered for most?: Always being happy and grateful
you remember forever?: The day I had Aubrey!
heaven be like?: Amazingness!
people say when you are gone?: "She was sweet!"
you miss the most?: My family and friends.
This or that...
Summer or Winter: Summer
Dogs or Cats: Dogs
Dr. Pepper or Coke: Depends on my mood
Glass Half Full or Glass Half Empty?: Half full
Bahamas or Europe: Bahamas
Plane or Automobile: Plane
Waffles or Pancakes: Pancakes
Ice Cream or Cake: Ice cream
Kisses or Hugs: BOTH!
Strawberries or Bananas: Strawberries
Once Upon A Time or Happily Ever After: Hmm, Happily Ever After! Mine needs to come soon!
Raisinettes or Goobers: What? What are goobers?
Ketchup or Mustard: Ketchup, totally obsessed!
A few words on...
Peanut Butter: Yum! Ill take a spoon full please!
Love: Is patient
IPOD's: Blah!
Digital Cameras: LOVE! I cant live without mine!
Hate: It's a strong word. Dont say hate say dislike!
Religion: Is the best....well not religion but relationship.
Ignorance: Isn't bliss.
Bliss: Isn't ignorance
Friends: Can't live without them!
Enemies: Can't live without having any, ughh!
Drugs: Are NO GOOD!
Alcohol: We all need it once in a while
Your Family: My LIFE!
Your Kids: My WORLD!
Socks: Hate not haivng any one unless of course I am wearing cute heels!
Shoes: Heels or flats..
Dreams: Are sometimes true!
Happiness: Comes and goes....its all up to you!
Pizza: Looovveeeee!
Cheeseburgers: For Bay...she loves them!
Do you believe in...
what goes around, comes around: Oh YES!
angels: Yes!!!!!
demons: Yes...
aliens: No
soul mates: Yes! I am currently still looking for mine.
reincarnation: No way!
love at first sight: Ughh I use to then life happened. Hahahaha!
true love: Yes, its what gives me hope!
luck: Umm, yes and no
karma: Well, I do believe in the principle, but I don't call it, "Karma."
heaven: YES!!!!
hell: Unfortunately, yes.
Santa: Of course ;o)
fate: Yes
everything having a purpose: Yes! I have learned that EVERYTHING small or big happens for a reason.
miracles: Yes! and thank you Jesus for them!
ghosts: Yes.
This was long but fun....... link up!
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