Aubrey is currently 19 months and I just have to say I keep falling more and more in love with her every day. I don't even know how that is possible! I swear I love this little girl more than life it self.
I was reading a mommy devotional and it said how when a mother first has their child they come into the world with a complete heart no heartache, no disappointed, no hurt. As they grow older a mother does anything and everything possible to keep that little heart to remain the same. I find that to be so true.
I try so hard to be the best mom even though I know that is not possible. I beat myself up when I am laying in bed at the end of the day and think to myself did I play with her enough? I shouldn't of screamed at her that way! I should of sang to her longer. Did I give her enough kisses and hugs? At the end of each day I just want her to lay her little head, on that little pillow, in her little crib completely at peace and knowing without a doubt in her head that mommy loves her.
It is amazing to me the way this little girl makes me feel. When I hold her and its just me and her I feel this incredible bond and this incredible peace. I feel complete! At that very moment nothing else matters because I am holding my everything my whole world in my arms. I would fight an army of men to keep her safe. When I am down because of life's trials and tribulations I find that she gives me courage to go another day, when I look into those brown eyes she gives me peace, she gives me hope that the best is yet to come....Thank you Princess!
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