Monday, January 23, 2012

Today's Money: Budgeting with Cash Envelopes

The economic climate has sparked a new interest in budgeting.  It may be out of necessity, or it may be in response to the media attention this topic has received.  Either way, there is something to be said for living within or below your means. There are many budgeting tools out there to manage bills and your checking account register.  What we cover today is a much more basic approach to managing expenses.  It will not be used for everything, but will help to manage day to day expenses. This will require a little work up front in terms of budgeting, making the envelopes, and getting the cash.  However, the satisfaction of taking control of your finances and spending is well worth the effort.  You could use pre-made envelopes if you wish.  We have included an easy to use template to make the process easier for you.   savour… cold, hard cash
Cash Envelopes
The cash envelope allows you to specify how much you are going to spend in a given period of time.  Fill the envelopes for the week or weekend and when it’s gone… it’s gone.  This will be quite an adjustment for some in the beginning, but in time it may help to illustrate how you are spending money.  For many, it is a huge eye-opener.
The attached cash envelope template Download Cashenvelopes allows you to print, cut, and fold your own envelopes.  They are just big enough for some cash and we even made a little pocket for receipts.  We made sure to include a register, of sorts, on the front so you can log your spending if you wish.

Things to consider:
Be sure to budget wisely.  The idea is to have some limits, but if you are too ambitious you may have to go without or go get more money which could leave you feeling defeated.
Understand that there will be exceptions.  This does not always keep you from spending money, but it does raise the level of awareness.
If you go a week without using your debit card, take that time to really balance your checkbook register.  The absence of $3.00 coffee purchases will make it easier to tackle.
This method and template could easily be adopted to dole out allowance or holiday shopping money.  It is a great way to show kids how to manage their own money.
If you are thrifty enough to actually have money left over at the end of the period, reward yourself by adding it to the next period's pot or, better yet, tuck it away in savings.
Good idea huh?! I think I might try it!!!!! Starting a savings plan is on my resolution list so I think this might be a GREAT start! Happy Monday Yall......

Friday, January 20, 2012

Pinterest Friday Finds

Link up with The Terrace Housewife for "Pinterest Friday Finds"

I have to start off with I LOVE Pinterest...if you dont have an account GET ONE!
Here are MY PINTEREST finds!

Can I get an AMEN!
Pinned Image
Hand print TUTU, is it not the cutest!?!
Handprint tutu

Good idea for organizing...
This would help my obsession.What a cute way to display your Christmas cards :) ORGANIZING

I need this, I bet I will get Aubrey's attention!
Great way to get kids to look at the camera. Easy to make with a scrunchie

I <3 these pictures!
Baby Bootmaternitysave the date

Pepperoni rolls.. Crescent rolls + pepperoni + cheese sticks = super easy dinner. ranch and pizza sauce to dip them in! yum!
oreo stuffed chocolate chip cookies...OMGoodnessKnee-toe

Grace we ALL need it!
Pinned Image

My next project!
how to make a t-shirt flower

Ok, just one more AMEN!
<3Post this!
Pinned Image

HaPpY FrIdAy!!!!!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Vision Board Story

Okay just a quick story on vision boards and confirmation it WORKS! So I met this Mary Kay lady at Starbucks and she asked me to come to her house for a little consultation so I did! As I was walking out of her home office I notice a HOT pink poster with pictures on it and the question just blurred out of my mouth "is that your vision board?" She looked at me smiled and said "well YES!!!!".  I smiled back at her and said "I just finished mine and I am so excited".

She explained how 2 things came true....taking her children to Disneyland all payed by Mary Kay and her dream house. After her house was build she realized the same door that was on her house was the same door on her dream house on her vision board. The sweet law of attraction people, IT WORKS!

If this is not confirmation I don't know what is!!!!
This is my vision board.... love love love!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Well if you all have wondered where I've been lately just take a look below....CLEANING & DECLUTTERING! I have been taking this very seriously. I am determined to scratch things off of my resolution list. Aubrey and I have way to much clothes. It makes me stress but my gfriends say its heaven haha! I guess..... I am going to have a garage sale and whats left I am going to donate it!

My closet...I have to admit this is only closet number ONE!
Yes I have a second closet...I know its pretty bad!

Aubrey's closet...picking up on her Momma's habits!

I found this idea on my Pinterest and I LOVE IT!
I do have a jewelry box but it was bueno!
I added my own little touch....since this is in my closet and I will see it everyday I added pics of my sweet baby girl and a quote I just happen to love!

Here are a few pics of life lately.....
we went until you drop!

In the mist of cleaning up I  found Aubrey's new born socks. These socks were the only ones that fit her when she was fist born...oh how I miss those days!

Brey and I have been having too much fun!!! The weather has been pretty nice here in Houston we have been spending a lot of time outside.... Here she is!!!!! Yeeehaw!

And last but not least I have finished my vision board. It's proudly hanging in my room. I catch myself just standing in front of it staring at it and daydreaming...pretty neat, huh!

Well folks life has been busy and crazy lately but you know me, if life hands me lemons I try to make lemonade! Although so much is going on it is amazing how blessed I still feel and having Aubrey's angel face surely helps!!! Hope you all have a fabulous off to Pinterest to pin a few things.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Help

This weekend was spent having much fun, cleaning and watching many movies and one of them was The Help OMG if you have not seen this movie I recommend you do! The Help is now on my favorite movie list! I wont ruin the movie for you but if you've seen it you know what I am talking about when I say "You is Kind, You is Smart, You is Important".  I also decided to print this as a reminder and post it where I can see it daily, well because I am and so are YOU  kind, smart and important. 

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Morning!!!! So I think its time for me to update this thang! New Year, new start, new blog? Don't worry Ill keep the blog it just needs some major updating and a new look wouldn't hurt. So bare with me as I squeeze in time to get it done! Well I started working on my vision board it should be done by this weekend. I cant wait to show you all. Seriously every time I look at it, it just makes me happy! Happy is good!

So I started on my first book and its called The Four Agreements, one word AMAZING! I admit it its an audio book but hey its still a book and it counts in my 5 book resolution.  What its Thursday, can you believe it? This week flew by..... I cant wait for this weekend. I think I am going to do some major de-cluttering another thing on my resolution list and I think Brey and I might go to the park and have a piknik. Sunday church of course....

Oh Brey lets talk about that little princess...these past few weeks she has really let her personality come out. She gets on her princess 4wheeler stands on it and pushes the gas button lol I know its dangerous but hey if it makes her happy and she hasn't hurt herself yet its ok in my book. A few days ago when I was dropping her off at her Nanas I was telling her bye and she looked at me and gave me a hug. Now that made me feel so good and gave me confirmation that I am indeed raising her right. Thank you Jesus! She has also become a HUGE mommas girl. She wants to be right by my side and help me in anything that I am, laundry, cleaning. If I am putting on makeup or doing my hair Brey has to do it too...I love her so much!

Well guys I hope you all have a GREAT & BLESSED day!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

Link up with Jamie @ this kind of love

IM LOVING well that its WEDNESDAY, Duh!
IM LOVING the channel OWN...seriously I <3 Oprah!
Best channel EVER!

IM LOVING this New Year year, new start! Thank you Jesus!

IM LOVING Aubreys new bracelets, yes I gave in and she loves them.

IM LOVING, all the sweet moments with Aubrey
she says Tha aka Thank You!

IM LOVING, Diet Root Beer...I am addicted!

IM LOVING that I have started de-cluttering the house..its looking better already!

IM LOVING, that I have tomorrow off. I got busyness to take cate of ;o)

IM LOVING this dare devil

IM LOVING Proverbs 31
I want to be that kind of woman more than anything!

IM LOVING, loving, loving one shoulder anything. My new love!

 IM LOVING the color RED! Dont ask I just LOVE IT! 

Take time to think of a few things you are LOVING today.....Happy Wednesday Yall!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Out with the old, In with the new

New Years...I have never been so happy to start a NEW year in my life. What an enjoyable weekend this was...We started off the new year with the Children's Museum for the New Year's Noon Bash. Aubrey had so much fun! They had a parade, games, lots of dancing...just plain FUN!

We had so much fun!!!! Cant you tell?! Then we headed to our New Years PARTY!
Aubrey stayed up until midnight and I must add she was a happy camper.

Oh yes this was all the desserts!
So blessed to start off the New Year with such great people MY FAMILY and my sweet angel AUBREY! This year is going to be a good year I can just feel it i my bones.... 
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