Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Thank you Jesus, it is Wednesday! Whoot whoot!
So is it just me or has this month of September just flown by?

P.S I've missed doing this "What I'm Loving Wednesday" link up peeps!

Here is what I am loving:

I'm loving, my sweet princess Aubrey. I love being her mommy and everything that comes with it. Although lately she has just been a toot! and she has been sick (which I don't like).

I'm loving, this picture flower pot that I made. It is super easy and Aubrey enjoys watering it.
Want to make one: Picture Flower Pot

I'm loving, my praise and worship Pandora station BUT I just found this station and I love listening to it on my way to work because they have great pastors speaking. I mean I cant think of a better way to start my day.

I'm loving, that Fall is here! Oh yes I am doing my happy dance. I have started decorating the house. Here is a picture I bring out every year that not only am I loving but brings great memories.

I'm loving, my Joyce Meyer magazines I get every month. I love her! You can subscribe for free to get them too..

Joyce Meyer Magazine

I'm loving, but not all at once that my birthday is almost here.
BLAH! It's in 2 days the 28th of September. Happy Birthday to me!

Aaannnd Pop pop's birthday is today. Happy Birthday Pop pop! We love and miss you. I am sorry I didn't get to say goodbye. I truly admired you and the love you had for Nana. Even though I never met her I could tell how much you loved her by the way you talked about her and how your face would light up when her name was mentioned. Please watch over Aubrey.

I'm loving, my light PINK nails. Pink on my nails just makes me HAPPY!

I'm loving, my Pinterest finds.
Fall ActivitiesThink - hallway sign to promote positive behavior!
baggagehealthy kids snack
I LOVE this! Finger Painting - First put a word/message in tape on the canvas, then let your child finger paint over it. Finally, remove tape. Pretty cool!photos hanging from balloons

Happy Wednesday Day Yall!
"Let God's love fill you up and carry you through today!"


Friday, September 14, 2012


I am linking up with Life Rearranged for Insta-Friday 

If its not a special occasion you will not see me taking pictures with my "mommy camera" instead my phone captures all the sweet, crazy, never dull here they are!

2012-09-14 07.57.30.jpg


2012-09-11 18.59.05.jpg

2012-05-19 10.17.52.jpg

2012-09-08 16.27.32.jpg

Hope you all have a GREAT weekend!


Saturday, September 8, 2012

Pinterest Inspered- DYI Project

Photo Flower Pot, my new favorite thing to make. It is so easy, cheap and who wouldn't love this as a gift. I found this idea on Pinterest. If  your not following me please do yourself a favor and do so ASAP (wink wink) My Pinterest World.
What you will need:
Flower pot, I got at the Dollar Store. The pictures, print them out at home on regular paper. The "mod podge" its homemade. It is half Elmers glue and helf water.
I mean COME on look how cute it turned out! Maybe because I LOVE pictures all around the house is why I just cant get enough of this pot. The flowers inside the pot I also got at the Dollar Store. This project literally only cost me a few bucks. It sits on Aubrey's table and I am teaching her to water it every day! 

Hope you all are having a GREAT weekend!

Friday, September 7, 2012

First Day of Daycare 2012

So school started here in Fort Bend County and I know that Aubrey is not in "school" yet but her daycare starts school curriculum during school time so I decided to make it a BIG deal and took pictures of Aubrey for her first day of daycare 2012.

Aubrey FACTS:
23 Months
Obsessed with Dora
Loves to Dance
Is a Singer
Thinks she gave birth to all her babies
Takes her vitamins religiously
Sleeps in her big girl bed
Chicken nuggets are her fav
Insist on wearing a bow at all times
Still carries her Binky everywhere and anywhere
Talks up a storm (A LOT)
Is a Momma's girl


Goodbye Summer!

Where have we been you ask well just look at the pictures below. Before the kids started school my mom and I took them to the beach! I figured summer is almost over and I couldn't think of a better way to say goodbye to it then to go to the BEACH! Roel (my little brother) is a fisher man and such a man so he fished while my little sister, mom, Aubrey and I swam, soaked up some sun and build sand castles. Goodbye Summer & Hello Fall!

Just making summer memories...

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