Wednesday, May 30, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Happy Hump Day!!!! 
It's Wednesday... and I am LOVING well everything Aubrey!

I'm loving this picture of Bay this past weekend. It was her first boat ride and she loved it!
I told her that her stepdad will one day buy us one.
{I have to find him first}

I'm loving The Little Gym. Bay is finally coming into her own but unfortunately its our last week. Dance class here we come!

I'm loving this picture. This is what I think she is saying.
{"Psshhh! I am too cool for this class" Aubrey}

I'm loving this sweet frame that a friend gave me as a gift just because.
Look at the sweet Princess!

I'm loving Kohls and everything in it!  Hahahaha

I'm loving this sweet picture.
The 2 most important people in my life my dad and my daughter.

I'm love love love looking at old pics when Bay was little. I treasure those sweet moments.

I'm loving these daughter mother quotes!

Until next Wednesday.....


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Weekend

 First I would like to thank those who have and are still serving this great country of ours. Thank you for all you do to keep us safe.

Memorial weekend was AMAZING to say the least. We had a condo over looking the lake. It was just breath taking. We spent every night chatting and just watching those beautiful waves.We also fished but unfortunately didn't catch much. We even cooked those darn fish steak. Haha! (sigh) We rented a boat and jet skis. It was Aubrey's first time on a boat and she LOVED it! Everyone was so impressed as to how calm she was. I mean she is my daughter..I knew she was going to do great! We also ate way too much and my drinks consisted of coffee, tequila and wine. Lets just sat I am glad I am home and back to work!


Friday, May 25, 2012

Fill in the Blank Friday.

It's Friday ya'll! I am so sticking HAPPY because it's Memorial weekend which means 3 day weekend. We are going to be hanging out by the lake for the whole weekend fishing, boating, BBQing, drinking and soaking up some sun! Yaaahoooo!

1.  The best surprise ever would be,   winning the lottery! Oh the things I would do with all that money! 

2.      My pregnancy and the birth of Aubrey  is my most favorite memory .

3.  The hardest, but most worthwhile thing I've ever done was     being a single mom. I have to be mom and dad 24/7. I have to be sweet and kind along with the provider and the disciplinary. I pray every day that I find a good man I can share this role with lol 

4.  The best part of my day is   oh man I have so many. The moment I walk into Aubreys school and her face lights up when she sees me. The moment when its just her and I on that rocking chair and I am reading her a bed time story. The moment when I tell her lets pray and she gives me her hand and after I say amen she repeats.

5. Something I like that most people don't is        black coffee. Just straight black coffee!

6. Something I am willing to fight for is     my daughter! Oh man I am not a fighter but you mess with my child and all bets are off .

7.  Something you might not know about me is   I wake up every morning at 5:30 to workout before I start my day  .


Thursday, May 24, 2012

How to add a BUTTON...

So I have been wondering and researching how to add a button to my blog. After a lot of googling and procrastinating I FINALLY did it!

I LOVE it! I guess blogs exchange buttons to advertise/ support each other. You will see tons of buttons on blogs to the side and if you click on the button it will take you straight to their blog. Cool, huh? I have a lot of button exchanging to do. GRAB MINE people!

I would have to thank ehow for this! Want to create one?! Read below please~

 1.      Save your image to an online photo album (such as photobucket) or place it in a blog post and publish the post. 
2.      Retrieve the direct Internet link for the image. Through photobucket simply scroll over the image to activate the Link Option's box. Then copy the entire address that is in the Direct Link box. If you publish your button in a blog post click View Blog. Then click on the image, this will take you to a new web address where you will see only your button. Copy the entire address that is in the address bar.
 3.      Paste the button's code onto a word  document to save it until you need it. 
4.      Go to your Blogger blog and click on Layout.
5.      Choose to Add a Gadget. Click on HTML/Javascript.
6.      Type something like, "Get My Button" in the title box.
7.      Copy this code and place it in the text box.
[center][a href="http://YOUR WEB ADDRESS/" target="_blank" title="BLOG TITLE"][img alt="BLOG TITLE" src="http://IMAGE WEB ADDRESS"/][/a][center]
[center][textarea id="code-source" rows="3" name="code-source"][center][a href="http://YOUR WEB ADDRESS/"][img border="0" src="http://IMAGE WEB ADDRESS"/][/a][/center][/textarea][/center]

All of the front brackets [ will need to be replaced with < and all of the back brackets ] will need to be replaced with >
8.      Once the code is properly formatted (with < and >), you need to replace the generic information with your information.
Replace the YOUR WEB ADDRESS with the address of your blog.
Plug in your blog's title where indicated and go back and copy the image web address and paste it in the correct location.
Make sure you delete all of the generic information. Your code should now look like the code in the photo to the left (click on the picture to enlarge). The colored information should all be replaced with your specific infromation.
9.      Save this gadget and position it where you'd like it to be. 
10.  Save your changes and click View Blog.
11.  Click on your button to make sure it takes you to the home page of your blog.
It's also a good idea to copy the code from the box and try to add the button to your blog.
To do this simply highlight and copy the code from the text box that is now visible on your blog. Then under Layout, add a HTML gadget and paste the code into the text box. Save changes and view your blog. This "new" button will not have the text box underneath (this is what your button will look like on other people's blogs.) Click on the button to make sure it brings up your blog's homepage. 
12.  Enjoy spreading the word about your blog. Let your readers know you now have a button that they can copy and place on their blogs.


Little Bits of Happinness

Sitting back and watching Aubrey be a carefree child brings happiness to my heart. This week I took her and my little sister to the park and just watching them play like crazy children cracks me up. I want Aubrey to be able to be a kid and not worry about life. I want her to look back and say "I had a great childhood". So with that said that is what brought happiness to my heart this week. What brought happiness to your heart this week?

nitty gritty:
1. share words, pictures, anything that represents what brought YOU happiness this week!
2. link up your post, not just your blog! no one likes confusion.
3. link back to mrs. stephanie t. with either a text link or using the button below.
4. lastly, have fun and visit each other! go show your love and see what made others happy this week.


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The 5 Tag! -You might be it!

I copied this from Amanda @ The Brandon and Amanda Story. Its a tag game! I love tag games and this is my first so I am super excited. I love to find new ways for my blogger friends to get to know me better. YOU might be tagged..stay tunned!

Here are the rules:
-5 short things about yourself {Not the norm. Hi, my name is...}
-5 things about your blog
-5 of your favorite photos
-Tag 5 blog friends

Ready, set, here I go!

5 things about me
1. I am a mother first before anything else. I take this job VERY seriously! I eat, breath, sleep Aubrey.
2. I love thrift store shopping! I am addicted... I admit it!
3. I am a white girl trapped in a Mexican girls body. 
4. I'm country! I was born in Houston, TX but raised in a small town. I love country music, big trucks, sweet tea, 2 steppin', steak and beer.
5. I love the water..beach, lake, pool, ocean. I love being by the water with a nice cold one in my hand!

5 things about my blog
1. I started blogging because every cool mommy does it. I love how mommy's bounce ideas off of each other and it makes me feel normal. I am not crazy! This thing called mommy hood is hard work.
2. I try and keep my blog semi spiritual. God is a part of my life so God is a part of my blog.
3. I change up my design up a lot! I am never happy with it either its too plain or too much!
{the story of my life}
4. Sometimes when times get rough I detach from my blog. I am sorry! I am working on that.
5. I keep my 2012 resolutions on my blog. I need a constant reminder.
I want to start a bucket list tab too.

5 photos
{the best day of my life]

{my family. we may not have it all together but together we have it all}
{it's a country thang!}
{my girls}
{its hard to believe she was just this little yesterday...can we reverse time?}

 5 tags

Jazmine at
Josie at
Janna at
Carol at
Jenny at

Have fun and link on people!


Monday, May 21, 2012

a love note....

Aubrey is currently 19 months and I just have to say I keep falling more and more in love with her every day. I don't even know how that is possible! I swear I love this little girl more than life it self.
I was reading a mommy devotional and it said how when a mother first has their child they come into the world with a complete heart no heartache, no disappointed, no hurt. As they grow older a mother does anything and everything possible to keep that little heart to remain the same. I find that to be so true.
I try so hard to be the best mom even though I know that is not possible. I beat myself up when I am laying in bed at the end of the day and think to myself did I play with her enough? I shouldn't of screamed at her that way! I should of sang to her longer. Did I give her enough kisses and hugs? At the end of each day I just want her to lay her little head, on that little pillow, in her little crib completely at peace and knowing without a doubt in her head that mommy loves her.
It is amazing to me the way this little girl makes me feel. When I hold her and its just me and her I feel this incredible bond and this incredible peace. I feel complete! At that very moment nothing else matters because I am holding my everything my whole world in my arms. I would fight an army of men  to keep her safe. When I am down because of life's trials and tribulations I find that she gives me courage to go another day, when I look into those brown eyes she gives me peace, she gives me hope that the best is yet to come....Thank you Princess!

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